This example demonstrates a full page layout with nested panes, layout's AJAX events and client-side state management.
Three events are possible:
The client-side state management is activated by setting
Furthermore, you can see client-side widget's methods for pane manipulation in action. These are
sizeContent() toggle(),
open(). They expect pane position as parameter. Nested panes are separated by the
_ sign.
Example: sizePane("center_north", 300);
Attention: "center" pane can not be manipulated,
so that e.g. toggle("center") or sizePane("west_center", 300) are invalid calls.
In this example, the entire layout is defined by LayoutOptions which are bound to the "options" attribute of pe:layout.
LayoutOptions is optional, it also possible to create a layout by options defined as attributes of pe:layoutPane.
Note: LayoutOptions created as Java model takes precedence over layout options as tag attributes.
It is up to you if you would like to use all available options via LayoutOptions or a limited set of options in pe:layoutPane.