id |
Unique identifier of the component in a naming container.
rendered |
Boolean value to specify the rendering of the component, when set to false component will not be rendered.
style |
CSS style(s) to be applied when this component is rendered.
styleClass |
Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when this element is rendered.
This value is passed through as the "class" attribute to the generated markup.
binding |
An EL expression referring to a server side UIComponent instance in a backing bean.
widgetVar |
Name of the client side widget.
value |
Value of the component. Must be a org.primefaces.extensions.model.monacoeditor.MonacoDiffEditorModel
placeholder |
Sets a placeholder for the editor. If set, the placeholder is shown if the editor is empty.
readonly |
Defines if the modified editor is readonly. This option makes the UI not editable, but still
accepts values that are submitted (e.g. when the editor value was changed via JavaScript). Use
disabled if submitted values should not be accepted.
originalReadonly |
Defines if the original editor is readonly. This option makes the UI not editable, but
still accepts values that are submitted (e.g. when the editor value was changed via JavaScript).
Use originalDisabled if submitted values should not be accepted. Defaults to
false .
disabled |
Defines if the modified editor is disabled. This option does not accept a value to be submitted and
ensures the model values stays the same (server validation).
originalDisabled |
Defines if the original editor is disabled. This option does not accept a value to be submitted and
ensures the model values stays the same (server validation). Defaults to true .
tabindex |
The tab index to assign to the editor. If not given, no tab index will be assigned.
converter |
An EL expression or a literal text that defines a converter for the component. When it's an EL
expression, it's resolved to a converter instance. In case it's a static text, it must refer to a
converter id.
required |
Marks component as required.
originalRequired |
Whether the original editor must have a value.
requiredMessage |
Message to display when required field validation fails.
converterMessage |
Message to display when conversion fails.
validatorMessage |
Message to display when validation fails.
validator |
A method expression referring to a method validating the input.
oninitialized |
Client side callback when the editor was rendered.
onfocus |
Client side callback when the editor area receives focus.
onblur |
Client side callback when the editor area loses focus.
onchange |
Client side callback when the editor content changes.
onpaste |
Client side callback when text was pasted into the editor.
onmousedown |
Client side callback when a mousedown event was triggered on the editor area.
onmousemove |
Client side callback when a mousemove event was triggered on the editor area.
onmouseup |
Client side callback when a mouseup event was triggered on the editor area.
onkeyup |
Client side callback when a keyup event was triggered on the editor area.
onkeydown |
Client side callback when a keydown event was triggered on the editor area.
onkeypress |
Client side callback when a keypress (onDidType) event was triggered on the editor area.
onoriginalfocus |
Client side callback when the original editor area receives focus.
onoriginalblur |
Client side callback when the original editor area loses focus.
onoriginalchange |
Client side callback when the original editor content changes.
onoriginalpaste |
Client side callback when text was pasted into the original editor.
onoriginalmousedown |
Client side callback when a mousedown event was triggered on the original editor area.
onoriginalmousemove |
Client side callback when a mousemove event was triggered on the original editor area.
onoriginalmouseup |
Client side callback when a mouseup event was triggered on the original editor area.
onoriginalkeyup |
Client side callback when a keyup event was triggered on the original editor area.
onoriginalkeydown |
Client side callback when a keydown event was triggered on the original editor area.
onoriginalkeypress |
Client side callback when a keypress (onDidType) event was triggered on the original editor area.
language |
The code language for the modified editor, such as typescript or css.
This is also the language for the original editor when originalLanguage is not specified.
Defaults to plaintext when not specified. Can be either a string or one of the constants
defined in org.primefaces.extensions.model.monacoeditor.ELanguage .
originalLanguage |
The code language for the original editor, such as typescript or css.
Defaults to language when not specified. Can be either a string or one of the constants
defined in org.primefaces.extensions.model.monacoeditor.ELanguage .
customThemes |
Allows you to register custom themes with the editor via Java. This must be a
Map<String, org.primefaces.extensions.model.monacoeditor.EditorStandaloneTheme> .
It maps between the name of the theme and the styling data for that theme. You can then specify the
theme name for the theme option in the editorOptions .
locale |
Locale for the user interface. Can be either a java.util.Locale object or a string with the locale code.
Built-in languages are "cs", "de", "en", "es", "fr", "it", "ja", "ko", "pl", "pt_BR", "ru", "tr", "zh_CN", and "zh_TW".
To use a custom language or translation, you can specify a language file with custom translations via the option
localeUrl .
localeUrl |
For custom language files. If given, this is used instead of the built-in language files. This URL must
point to a JavaScript file that, when executed, adds the localization to
window.MonacoEnvironment.Locale["LOCALE_CODE"] , where LOCALE_CODE is the value you set
for locale . See the language file the widget downloads (when locale is not set to English) for an
example and all available messages that need to be translated.
extender |
An extender object to further customize the monaco editor via JavaScript. This can be either:
- unset, in which case no further customization is performed
- or a JavaScript expression that evaluates to an extender object
The extender object may have one or more of the following optional properties:
- beforeCreate(editorWidget, options). Called before the monaco editor is created. It is passed
the current options object that would be used to initialize the monaco editor. If this callback
does not return a value, the options are used as they were passed to the callback. The callback is
allowed to modify the passed options object. If the callback returns an options object, that options
object is used instead. If it returns a thenable/Promise, the monaco editor is created only once the
Promise resolves (successfully). If the Promise resolves with an options object, that options object is
used to create the editor. See
for all editor options.
- afterCreate(editorWidget). Called after the editor was created.
- beforeDestroy(editorWidget). Called before the editor is destroyed, e.g. when updating a component via AJAX.
- afterDestroy(editorWidget). Called after the editor is destroyed, e.g. when updating a component via AJAX. Note that
editorWidget.getMonaco() now returns undefined.
- createModel(editorWidget, options). Called when a for the modified editor model needs to retrieved or created. The options contain
value (current value that should be set on the model by the extender), url (default URL that was determined for the model), language (requested code language), and editorOptions (monaco editor constructor options). Should return the model. When it returns nothing, the default mechanism for creating a model is used. Note that editorWidget.getMonaco() returns undefined as the monaco editor was not created yet.
- createOriginalModel(editorWidget, options). Called when a model for the original editor needs to retrieved or created. The options contain
value (current value that should be set on the model by the extender), url (default URL that was determined for the model), language (requested code language), and editorOptions (monaco editor constructor options). Should return the model. When it returns nothing, the default mechanism for creating a model is used. Note that editorWidget.getMonaco() returns undefined as the monaco editor was not created yet.
- createEditorOverrideServices(editorWidget, options). Called when the monaco editor is created. May return an object with services that should be overriden. See here on GitHub for details on the available services. The options are the editor constructor options that will be used to create the editor, they are readonly and must not be changed.
- createWorker(editorWidget, moduleId, label). Called when a worker for additional language support needs to be created. By default, monaco editor ships with the workers for JSON, CSS, HTML, and TYPESCRIPT. The label is the name of the language, e.g.
css or javascript . Must return the worker to be used for the given language. Note that editorWidget.getMonaco() returns undefined as the monaco editor was not created yet.
scheme |
The monaco editor requires a unique URI for an opened model (i.e. the code currently being edited). This is the scheme (protocol) for that URI. Defaults to inmemory .
directory |
The monaco editor requires a unique URI for an opened model (i.e. the code currently being edited). This is the directory (path) for that URI, with parts separated by slashes. If not given, it is taken from the client ID of this component.
basename |
The monaco editor requires a unique URI for an opened model (i.e. the code currently being edited). This is the basename for that URI, without the extension. If not given, default to 'file'.
extension |
The monaco editor requires a unique URI for an opened model (i.e. the code currently being edited). This is the extension for that URI, with or without the period. If not given, it is inferred from the (code) language.
originalScheme |
The monaco editor requires a unique URI for an opened model (i.e. the code currently being edited). This is the scheme (protocol) for that URI of the original editor. Defaults to inmemory .
originalDirectory |
The monaco editor requires a unique URI for an opened model (i.e. the code currently being edited). This is the directory (path) for that URI of the original editor, with parts separated by slashes. If not given, it is taken from the client ID of this component.
originalBasename |
The monaco editor requires a unique URI for an opened model (i.e. the code currently being edited). This is the basename for that URI of the original editor, without the extension. If not given, default to 'file'.
originalExtension |
The monaco editor requires a unique URI for an opened model (i.e. the code currently being edited). This is the extension for that URI of the original editor, with or without the period. If not given, it is inferred from the (code) language.
width |
Width of the editor with CSS units, set as an inline style. For example 500px or 100%/code>. Set this to the empty string in case you want to size the editor via CSS.
height |
Height of the editor with CSS units, set as an inline style. For example 500px or 100%/code>. Set this to the empty string in case you want to size the editor via CSS.
editorOptions |
Options for the Monaco code editor. This is a simple wrapper around the JavaScript API, see
The code language can be set via the EditorOptions#setLanguage option.
autoResize |
If true , resizes the editor automatically when the iframe element changes its size.
Please note that this makes uses of the new ResizeObserver API
and works only in newer browers. This widget checks whether
ResizeObserver API is available, and when it is not, no resizing is performed. To support resizing for older browsers,
search for a ResizeObserver polyfill. If you know when the size of the editor conainer could have changed, you can resize
the editor manually via PF("editorWidgetVar").layout()
overflowWidgetsDomNode |
A PrimeFaces search expression of a component. Places overflow widgets inside an external
DOM node. Defaults to an internal DOM node when not given. May be useful when the editor is used
inside an element obscured by other components. You can, for example, append the overflow widget
to the body. Note 1: you probably also need to set fixedOverflowWidgets on the editor
options for this to work. Note 2: For now, you either need to add the CSS class
monaco-editor to the container to style the overflow widgets properly, or add the
appropriate CSS yourself. Note 3: As of monaco-editor 0.27.0, this option has several issues
with event handling, use at your own risk. This will most likely be fixed in a later version
of monaco-editor.