The following components were once Extensions components that have graduated into the PrimeFaces core library: |
Badge | Badge allows styling of any button to include the iOS like badge indicator |
FAB/SpeedDial | A floating action button can display multiple primary actions that can be performed on a page. |
Gravatar | Avatar using the Gravatar service |
ImportEnum | ImportEnum allows in older EL versions (< 3.0), to use enum constants or any other static fields/methods in an EL expression. |
ImportConstants | ImportConstants allows in older EL versions (< 3.0), to use constants or any other static fields/methods in an EL expression. |
InputNumber | InputNumber formats input fields with numeric Strings. It supports currency symbols, minimum and maximum value, negative numbers, and a lot of round methods. |
KeyFilter | KeyFilter can be used to filter keyboard input on specified input components. |
Knob | Knob's useful to insert numeric values in a range. |
LetterAvatar | Letter Avatar generates an avatar based on characters |
Scaffolding | Scaffolding allows you to show skeletons while data is loading. |
SingleClick | Disable buttons while an Ajax action is being processed now built into PrimeFaces core. |
Spotlight | Spotlight highlights a certain component on page. |
Timeline | Timeline is an interactive visualization chart to visualize events in time. |
TriStateCheckbox | TriStateCheckbox add a new state to a checkbox value. |