
OutputLabel is an extension to standard outputLabel component. Extended features are;

  • OutputLabel sets its value as the label of the target component to be displayed in validation errors so that target component does not need to define label attribute again.
  • Support for components with non-trivial markup like spinner, autocomplete, calendar and so on which are not supported by standard outputLabel.
  • Theme aware error styling when associated component is not valid.
  • Required field indicator.

    <p:panel id="panel" header="Form" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
        <p:messages id="messages" />
        <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="5">
            <h:outputLabel for="name" value="Standard Label:" />
            <p:inputText id="name" required="true" />

            <p:outputLabel for="@next" value="Extended Label:" />
            <p:inputText id="extended" required="true" />

            <p:outputLabel for="@next" value="Number:" />
            <p:spinner id="number" value="0"/>

            <!-- For testing, don't remove!
            <p:outputLabel for="@next" value="Label which considers @NotNull:" />
            <p:inputText id="nullable" value="#{outputLabelView.nullableValue}" />

            <p:outputLabel for="@next" value="Label which considers @NotNull:" />
            <p:inputText id="notNull" value="#{outputLabelView.value}" />

            <p:outputLabel for="@next" value="Label for input wrapped in composite:" />
            <composite:inputTextWrapper id="nullableInComposite" value="#{outputLabelView.nullableValue}" required="true" />

            <p:outputLabel for="@next" value="Label for input wrapped in composite, considering @NotNull:" />
            <composite:inputTextWrapper id="notNullInComposite" value="#{outputLabelView.value}" />

            <p:outputLabel for="@next" value="Label for input wrapped wrapped in composite:" />
            <composite:inputTextWrapper id="nullableInCompositeComposite" value="#{outputLabelView.nullableValue}" required="true" />

            <p:outputLabel for="@next" value="Label for input wrapped wrapped in composite, considering @NotNull:" />
            <composite:inputTextWrapper id="notNullInCompositeComposite" value="#{outputLabelView.value}" />

    <p:commandButton value="Submit" update="panel"  />


Built-in component themes created by the PrimeFaces Theme Designer.

nova-light Nova-Light
nova-dark Nova-Dark
nova-colored Nova-Colored
luna-blue Luna-Blue
luna-amber Luna-Amber
luna-green Luna-Green
luna-pink Luna-Pink
omega Omega


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