

PrimeFaces team is pleased to announce a new update to 4.0.x, 7.0.x, 8.0.x, 10.0.x, and 11.0.x branches. New Features and Enhancements Add primefaces.HIDE_RESOURCE_VERSION configuration Upgrade jQuery UI 1.13 (7.0.27 and 8.0.17) Add onShow callback option to Dialog Framework (8.0.17, 10.0.12 and 11.0.4) DataTable scrollable and reflow not working smoothly (11.0.4) DataTable: JPALazyDataModel should ignore globalFilter (11.0.4) Defect Fixes DataTable: select all checkbox not selecting all (8.0.17) Tree Drag and Drop not working (10.0.12 and 11.0.4) Autocomplete: forceselection="false" no...

PrimeFaces team is pleased to announce a new update to 10.0.x, and 11.0.x branches. Enhancements and Defect Fixes Upgrade jQuery UI 1.13 (10.0.11) DataExporter: Option to globally suppress table header/footer export (11.0.3) DataExporter: Option to ignore columns which are hidden via ColumnToggler (11.0.3) DataExporter: columnToggler breaks export ordering (11.0.3) CVE-2021-44228: Exclude Log4J as PF doesn't use it (11.0.3) Badge: XSS through value attribute (11.0.3) Tag: XSS through value attribute (11.0.3) Chip: XSS through label attribute (11.0.3) Stack:...

PrimeFaces team is pleased to announce a new update to 5.3.x, 6.0.x, 6.1.x, 8.0.x, 10.0.x, and 11.0.x branches. New Features and Enhancements SEO markup - BreadCrumb add (11.0.2) Add exportHeaderValue and exportFooterValue attribute to column (6.0.31) New TextEditor Component (5.3.21) Add closeOnEscape feature to dialogFramework (5.3.21) Dialog Framework: add customizeable position option (5.3.21) Upgrade to AutoSize 4.0.2 (5.3.21) Calendar component xss vulnerability (5.3.21) Defect Fixes Tree: filtering on uppercase input not triggered (6.1.23) Tree filter with more...

PrimeTek is proud to announce that PrimeBlocks v2 is out now for PrimeFaces featuring 250+ copy-paste-ready, impressive UI blocks crafted with PrimeFlex to build impressive apps in no time. Compatibility PrimeBlocks library can be used with any version of PrimeFaces. What is a Block? A UI block is a set of html elements styled with the PrimeFlex CSS utility library. A block can also contain PrimeFaces components in addition to regular elements. The blocks are designed to be used easily by...

PrimeFaces team is pleased to announce a new update to 7.0.x, 8.0.x, 10.0.x, and 11.0.x branches. Enhancements and Defect Fixes Datepicker shortYearCutoff is evaluated wrong SelectOneMenu throws a JS exception (8.0.15, 10.0.9 and 11.0.1) SelectOneMenu: label with quote only displayed in menu but not after selection (10.0.9) Detailed ChangeLog Details are available at GitHub for 7.0.26, 8.0.15, 10.0.9 and  11.0.1. Download New releases are available for Elite and PRO subscribers at PrimeStore....

PrimeFaces Team is proud to announce PrimeFaces v11.0.0 final. Since v10, we've decided to adopt a new release cycle where there will be a new major version every 6 months. After months of hard work and dedication, PrimeFaces is better than ever. What's New? AutoComplete: added footer facet which will be added to the suggestion list. Avatar: added saturation, lightness, alpha to control dynamic colors. Badge: added visible attribute to hide the badge but render the children. ...

PrimeFaces team is pleased to announce a new update to 7.0.x, 8.0.x and 10.0.x branches. Enhancements and Defect Fixes Calendar popup is positioned relative to parent screen scroll position (7.0.25 and 8.0.14) FileUpload: Ajax Status is not working while using basic+auto upload (7.0.25 and 8.0.14) DataPicker throws JS exceptions with two year numbers (7.0.25) Improve Chips style (10.0.8) Button: dialog refreshes the page after open (10.0.8) DataTable with liveScroll property doesn't work as expected (8.0.14) Detailed ChangeLog Details are...

PrimeFaces team is pleased to announce a new update to 7.0.x, 8.0.x and 10.0.x branches. Defect Fixes DataTable: selectionMode single scrolling Viewport/overlay Bug (10.0.7) Dialog: resizeable not working (10.0.7) Datatable throws ListDataModel cast exception (10.0.7) Datepicker throws Javascript unparsed error (8.0.13 and 7.0.24) SelectCheckboxMenu: placeholder not supported with multiple=true (7.0.24) Detailed ChangeLog Details are available at GitHub for 7.0.24, 8.0.13 and 10.0.7 . Download New releases are available for Elite and PRO subscribers at PrimeStore....

PrimeFaces Team is proud to announce the first release candidate of PrimeFaces v11. Since v10, we've decided to adopt a new release cycle where there will be a new major version every 6 months. After months of hard work and dedication, PrimeFaces is better than ever. What's New? AutoComplete: added footer facet which will be added to the suggestion list. Avatar: added saturation, lightness, alpha to control dynamic colors. Badge: added visible attribute to hide the badge...

PrimeBlocks is a new project from PrimeTek featuring copy-paste ready, easy to use building UI blocks based on PrimeFlex CSS utility library. Initial versions were available for PrimeNG, PrimeVue, PrimeReact and now we are excited to announce PrimeBlocks for PrimeFaces. Compatibility PrimeBlocks library can be used with any version of PrimeFaces. What is a Block? A UI block is a set of html elements styled with the PrimeFlex CSS utility library. A block can also contain PrimeFaces components in addition to...