
PrimeNG 9.0.0 Released

PrimeNG 9.0.0 Released

PrimeTek is thrilled to announce the PrimeNG 9.0.0 final release to bring first class Angular 9 and Ivy Support along with numerous improvements to the components.


Ivy is the next generation compilation and rendering pipeline of Angular which was introduced as an experimental feature back in Angular 8. With Angular 9, Ivy is the enabled by default. PrimeNG 9 supports all Angular 9 applications whether Ivy is enabled or not so there is no restriction on Ivy.


The main focus of PrimeNG 9 seems to be the ivy effort and it really is, however we had allocated the time to rewrite the Dialog to resolve all the outstanding issues and improve performance. Kudos to Mert Sincan for his work on the new Dialog.


A full review on the entire suite has been completed for better screen reader and keyboard support for the components.


View the changelog for more details.


PrimeNG is licensed under MIT and free to download at NPM.

PrimeNG 7 and PrimeNG 8

If you are on PrimeNG 7 or 8 with no immediate plans to update, we got you covered. PrimeNG LTS is an annual subscription based service to provide a license for the finest compatible version suited to you. LTS covers the prior two versions from the latest release, this means up to 18 months of almost weekly releases to bring the latest defect fixes and security updates to your project. As an example, when PrimeNG moves to Angular 9, PrimeNG 7 and 8 will move to LTS support whereas STS (short term support) versions of PrimeNG 9 will be open source under MIT license for at least 6 months until PrimeNG 10 is released. Here is a timeline to visualize the LTS support.

Special Thanks

We’d like to thank Minko Gechev, Pete Bacon Darwin, Stephen Fluin and Alan Agius for offering their guidance and assisting us. Feels great to be a part of the Angular Community. In addition, our very own Mert Sincan and Yiğit Fındıklı have put in hours and hours to make sure the PrimeNG 9.0.0 is worth the wait.


There are exciting changes ahead, here is a quick sneak peek;

  • New modern Galleria component to replace the existing one
  • Review components to refactor any part where immutability of props is not preserved, this will make sure the components work seamlessly with state managers
  • More complex examples such as Table lazy loading with a real backend
  • More examples on extending component styling
  • New table features including aggregation and multi field row grouping.
  • New Tree rendering with support for VirtualScrolling to deal with huge data effectively.
  • Update premium templates and designer to officially support PrimeNG 9.

Always bet on Prime!

  • Peter Messenger
    26 February 2020 at 13:14

    Thank you. Updated the website to the latest, and it is all looking great.

  • Adel
    26 February 2020 at 16:27

    Thanks for your efforts,
    i updated my project to the latest and noticed that the bundle size increased substantially by nearly ~500 kbs , and noticed the unpacked size in node modules is 24 mb compared to 7.4 in V8 so is this a production build ? or do i need to do extra config to compile the project ?

  • Dacian Halmagean
    27 February 2020 at 18:16

    If we want to upgrade form primeng 7 to 9, is there a list of widgets that are removed / renamed / replaced so that we should plan effort ?

      • Gucio Zwergusiński
        28 February 2020 at 20:08

        I’m currently trying to update Angular app with PrimeNG and it seems that it is not a ‘Drop-in replacement’ as it is mentioned in the Migration Guide.

        I had to replace DialogService import from “primeng/api” to “primeng”, while other service imports seem to work fine.

        I also had problems with building application because I was missing dependencies for “quill” and “@full-calendar/core”, which was not needed with PrimeNG 8, unless components that were using it were imported in the app.

          • Gucio Zwergusiński
            1 March 2020 at 23:54

            I noticed that if I do import of entire primeng package it also causes problem that you have to install all peer dependencies, even if they are not used, e.g. quill, @fullcalendar/core and chart.js.

            If first problem is resolved than second one will be fixed too.

          • Gucio Zwergusiński
            2 March 2020 at 11:32

            Importing from “primeng/dynamicdialog” works for me. I think documentations needs to be updated as it still shows to use “primeng/api”.

  • Fernando Pulupa
    29 February 2020 at 00:32


    When will they upgrade the premium templates?

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