
PrimeVue 3.3.0 brings Table Filtering, Scrolling, Enhanced Selects and Colors

PrimeVue 3.3.0 brings Table Filtering, Scrolling, Enhanced Selects and Colors

PrimeVue 3.3.0 for Vue 3 is ready to use now featuring the advanced filtering&scrolling for datatable, enhanced select components and the new color system.

Advanced Filtering

Filtering provides advanced and flexible options to query the data. It comes in inline row or overlay menu display modes with support for multiple rules and custom filters.

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DataTable scrolling has been reimplement from the ground up to provide horizontal and vertical scrolling as well as frozen rows, columns and row groups.

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AutoComplete, Dropdown, MultiSelect and Listbox have received grouping functionality and even more customizable slots.

Color Palette

Each PrimeVue theme now exports a color palette as css variables to be used in the rest of your application.



Visit the changelog of 3.3.0-rc.1 and 3.3.0-final for more details about the changes.


PrimeVue is available at NPM and free to use under MIT License.


PrimeVue 3.4.0 will focus on virtual scrolling. There will be a standalone virtual scrolling component and it will be integrated into Table and Select components for performant rendering. In addition, we’ll bring a new component called TreeSelect.

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