ClockPicker ClockPicker is a highly configurable component to integrate time inputs (hours / minutes) in a convenient way.

Based on clockpicker by weareoutman.
Components and more
Use Cases
Documentation pe:clockpicker
Attributes (move mouse over the names to see data types)
Name Description
id Unique identifier of the component in a namingContainer.
rendered Boolean value to specify the rendering of the component, when set to false component will not be rendered.
binding An el expression referring to a server side UIComponent instance in a backing bean.
value Value of the component.
converter An el expression or a literal text that defines a converter for the component. When it's an EL expression, it's resolved to a converter instance. In case it's a static text, it must refer to a converter id.
immediate When set true, process validations logic is executed at apply request values phase for this component. Default is false.
required Marks component as required.
validator A method expression referring to a method validationg the input.
valueChangeListener A method binding expression referring to a method for handling a valuchangeevent.
requiredMessage Message to display when required field validation fails.
converterMessage Message to display when conversion fails.
validatorMessage Message to display when validation fails.
accesskey Access key to transfer focus to the input element.
alt Alternate textual description of the input element.
autocomplete Controls browser autocomplete behavior.
dir Defines text direction, valid values are "ltr" (default) and "rtl".
disabled Disables the input element, default is false.
inputmode HTML5 inputmode attribute for hinting at the type of data this control has for touch devices to display appropriate virtual keyboard.
label A localized user presentable name.
lang Code describing the language used in the generated markup.
maxlength Maximum number of characters that may be entered in this field.
onblur Client side callback to execute when input element loses focus.
onchange Client side callback to execute when input element loses focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus.
onclick Client side callback to execute when input element is clicked.
ondblclick Client side callback to execute when input element is double-clicked.
onfocus Client side callback to execute when input element receives focus.
onkeydown Client side callback to execute when a key is pressed down over input element.
onkeypress Client side callback to execute when a key is pressed and released over input element.
onkeyup Client side callback to execute when a key is released over input element.
onmousedown Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is pressed down over input element.
onmousemove Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is moved within input element.
onmouseout Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is moved away from input element.
onmouseover Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is moved onto input element.
onmouseup Client side callback to execute when a pointer input element is released over input element.
onwheel Client side callback to execute when the mouse wheel rolls up or down over an element.
onselect Client side callback to execute when text within input element is selected by user.
oncut Client side callback to execute when the user copies the content of an element.
oncopy Client side callback to execute when the user cuts the content of an element.
onpaste Client side callback to execute when the user pastes some content in an element.
oninput Client side callback to execute when an element gets user input.
oncontextmenu Client side callback to execute when a context menu is triggered.
oninvalid Client side callback to execute when an element is invalid.
onreset Client side callback to execute when the Reset button in a form is clicked.
onsearch Client side callback to execute when the user writes something in a search field.
ondrag Client side callback to execute when an element is dragged.
ondragend Client side callback to execute at the end of a drag operation.
ondragenter Client side callback to execute when an element has been dragged to a valid drop target.
ondragleave Client side callback to execute when an element leaves a valid drop target.
ondragover Client side callback to execute when an element is being dragged over a valid drop target.
ondragstart Client side callback to execute at the start of a drag operation.
ondrop Client side callback to execute when dragged element is being dropped.
onscroll Client side callback to execute when an element's scrollbar is being scrolled.
readonly Flag indicating that this input element will prevent changes by the user.
size Number of characters used to determine the width of the input element.
style Inline style of the component.
styleClass Style class of the component.
tabindex Position of the element in the tabbing order.
title Advisory tooltip information.
placeholder The placeholder attribute specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field.
widgetVar Name of the client side widget.
placementpopover placement. Default is "bottom"
alignpopover arrow align. Default is "bottom"
autoCloseauto close when minute is selected. Default is false
vibratevibrate the device when dragging clock hand. Default is true
twelveHourenables twelve hour mode with AM & PM buttons. Default is false
locale String or java.util.Locale representing user locale. Default is a locale specified in view root.
showOn When to display the calculator: 'focus' for popup on focus, 'button' for trigger button, 'both' for either, 'operator' for non-numeric character entered, 'opbutton' for operator/button combination.
onbeforeshow Javascript handler callback function triggered before popup is shown.
onaftershow Javascript handler callback function triggered after popup is shown.
onbeforehide Javascript handler callback function triggered before popup is hidden. Note:will be triggered between a beforeDone and afterDone
onafterhide Javascript handler callback function triggered after popup is hidden. Note:will be triggered between a beforeDone and afterDone
onbeforedone Javascript handler callback function triggered before time is written to input.
onafterdone Javascript handler callback function triggered before time is written to input.
onbeforehourselect Javascript handler callback function triggered before user makes an hour selection.
onafterhourselect Javascript handler callback function triggered before user makes an hour selection.
onafterampmselect Javascript handler callback function triggered after user makes an Am/PM selection.
PrimeFaces Extensions Showcase - © 2011-2023,PrimeFaces: 14.0.0,PrimeFaces Extensions: 14.0.0,JSF: Apache MyFaces JSF-2.3 Core Impl 2.3.10,Server: jetty/9.4.36.v20210114,Build time: 2024-05-01 20:50