

PrimeFaces / Support


PrimeFaces has 4 different licensing options;

  • Community

  • Free

    • Support is provided voluntarily by PrimeFaces community not by PrimeFaces Team and there is no guarantee for getting a response.
  • Elite


    • PrimeFaces Elite is an annual subscription based service to access Elite Releases of PrimeFaces and does not secure a support service from PrimeTek. 1 year Elite subscription is $99 per developer. See more.
  • Case

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    • If you need a new feature, enhancement or a fix for a particular case without PRO, we estimate the necessary effort and time required for the solution then make an offer based on the complexity of the case.
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  • Pro

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    • PrimeFaces PRO is the full enterprise package featuring advanced support services and custom development. Please see the dedicated PRO section below for more information.
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PrimeFaces ELITE

PrimeFaces has two different release lines, major releases such as 3.5, 4.0 and 4.1 are considered to be community releases and they are available to public for free under MIT License. ELITE releases are versioned like 3.5.6, 4.0.2, 4.1.5, they provide maintenance along with new features and they are only available to ELITE & PRO users.

ELITE subscribers also have access to basic license of Premium Omega Application Template Elite at no extra cost. Extended license requires a separate purchase whereas PRO users have been granted an extended license.

ELITE subscribers also have access to basic license of Premium Omega Application Template Elite at no extra cost. Extended license requires a separate purchase whereas PRO users have been granted an extended license.

Bootstrap light-blue and dark-blue themes are now available exclusively for ELITE Subscribers.


  1. How much does ELITE cost and for how long? ELITE subscription is per developer and the cost is $99 for one year.
  2. What does per developer mean? Is it a named license or concurrent? ELITE license is concurrent or floating in other words. Read more about floating license here. In summary, ELITE license is a development license that is granted to a developer. It has no runtime bindings like nodes, CPUs, or servers.
  3. How do I become an ELITE user? Visit PrimeStore to purchase your license and download the releases.
  4. We have 3 developers in your team using PrimeFaces. How many licenses we should get? You’d need 3 licenses, you can use checkout screen during payment process to change the number of licenses.
  5. Can we pay with a bank transfer, without a credit card? Yes, please contact us if you’d like to proceed this way.
  6. What is the license of ELITE Releases? Is it different than MIT License? ELITE versions are licensed under PrimeFaces Commercial License.
  7. If I’m not purchasing ELITE but via a reseller or purchasing department, can you transfer the account to me? Yes, please contact us with the details in this case.
  8. Does ELITE enable us to contact PrimeFaces Team to receive support? No, that is provided by PRO support.
  9. Once my subscription ends, can I still continue using the Elite libraries? No, it is required to extend your subscription to continue using any Elite version during active development.

PrimeFaces PRO

With PrimeFaces PRO, it’s easy to support, tune and add features to PrimeFaces as if it were an in-house framework.

With the exclusive services of the Pro account, you no longer need to post your questions in the PrimeFaces community forum and your issues to the community issue tracker.

Standard PRO Services

  • Access to
  • Response within 1 business day.
  • Access to ELITE releases.
  • One Premium Template Extended License of your choice.
  • Theme Designer Extended License.
  • PrimeBlocks Enterprise License.
  • Defect patches.
  • Customized builds.
  • An unlimited number of cases.
  • Remote desktop connection.
  • Conference calls for discussions.
  • High priority to your issues.
  • Non-PrimeFaces related to general JSF assistance.

Enhancement Credits (Optional)

New feature and enhancement requests are not available in core services and are provided via a credit model instead. When you have a feature request we provide an estimate, if you confirm we deliver your request within an estimated timeframe and deduct the amount of work from your credits. These requests can be;

  • New components.
  • New functionality to existing components.
  • Changing the way a certain functionality is implemented.
  • Accessibility improvements.
  • Proof of Concept implementations of a use case.
  • Code reviews to offer best practices.

You can purchase additional credits along with the subscription and also anytime during your subscription period. If your subscription term ends with unused credits, they will be added to your new subscription term in case you extend.

To get a quote, please contact us and mention the total number of developers who will be working on your PrimeFaces projects.




“The one word that I can use to describe both the Primefaces component suite and the team building, supporting, maintaining, and extending it is AMAZING! We have an enterprise-level support agreement, and I can honestly and emphatically say it is the single best software investment we have ever made. After working with the Primefaces team for only a few short months, I have come to the realization that this team is probably one of the hardest working and technically adept teams in the world. They are leading the globe in JSF development, and they will quickly get you excited about what the future holds for JSF and how Primefaces will be leading the way. The technical support we have received is top notch. Every inquiry receives a timely, informative, and exact response. As an enterprise customer, I immediately felt as if the Primefaces team was totally committed to the success of my project. Also, the primefaces component suite is by far the best JSF2 compliant suite available. I could probably find a use for almost every component in my current project. Every person that views the component suite demo is extremely impressed. And you can have confidence knowing how committed the Primefaces team is to ensuring the component suite continues to evolve and improve. Again, I cannot emphasize enough how impressed I have been with every facet of the Primefaces team. I am also truly grateful for all the expert advice I have received from this team, as without their help my project surely would have failed. I strongly urge any individual that is evaluating Primefaces to seriously consider an enterprise support contract. This team will instantly earn your respect and admiration. Strong enterprise support can ensure amazing teams like Primefaces will continue to perform the incredible work that they currently do.” Jim Pollock, Organization: Undisclosed
