
Leading Provider of Open Source UI Component Libraries

Your perfect companion for Angular, React, Vue and JSF featuring elegant, high-performance, accessible and fully customizable UI Components.

Trusted By

Open source products of PrimeTek are used all around the world by 5M+ developers in Fortune 500 companies, corporations, government agencies and educational institutions.

PrimeFaces for JSF

PrimeFaces is a popular open source framework for JavaServer Faces featuring over 100 components, touch optimized mobilekit, client side validation, theme engine and more.


PrimeNG for Angular

PrimeNG, a spin-off project from PrimeFaces, is a collection of open source rich UI components for Angular.


PrimeReact for React

PrimeReact is a collection of rich UI components for React. PrimeReact is a sibling of the popular PrimeNG (Angular) and PrimeFaces (JSF) components suites.


PrimeVue for Vue.js

PrimeVue, the new member of the Prime Family of Open Source UI components and shares the same DNA with PrimeFaces, PrimeNG, and PrimeReact.



PrimeFlex is a lightweight responsive CSS utility library to accompany Prime UI libraries and static webpages as well.



400+ ready to use UI blocks powered by PrimeNG and PrimeVue to build spectacular applications in no time.

Premium Themes And Layouts
Create awesome web applications in no time, impress your users.

Need a Custom Theme Based on Your Own Style Guide?

Designer API is a SASS based theme engine to create PrimeFaces themes easily featuring over 500 variables, a demo application, and a base sample theme. Whether you have your own style guide or just need a custom theme, Designer API is the right tool to design and bring them into existence.

Latest News

  • At PrimeTek, we have been developing UI component libraries since 2008. The web continues to undergo technological advancements, and as a result, we have to modernize and update our libraries to stay relevant. PrimeNG v18 is the next-generation version that.

  • PrimeTek has been offering and maintaining application templates since 2015, and over the years some of these projects have become legacy in terms of design and implementation. Based on our “quality over quantity” approach, we’ve decided to

  • Spring into savings with our fantastic Spring Sale at PrimeStore! From now until May 20th, 2024, enjoy an incredible 50% off on premium templates, PrimeBlocks, Figma UI Kit, and LTS licenses. Whether you use PrimeFaces, PrimeNG, PrimeReact, or PrimeVue, take

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