
PrimeNG LTS 7.2.5 and 8.2.4 Released

PrimeNG LTS 7.2.5 and 8.2.4 Released

PrimeNG LTS has been announced recently as an annual subscription based service to provide a license for the finest compatible version suited to you. LTS covers the prior two versions from the latest release, this means up to 18 months of almost weekly releases to bring the latest defect fixes and security updates to your project. As an example, when PrimeNG moves to Angular 9, PrimeNG 7 and 8 will move to LTS support whereas STS (short term support) versions of PrimeNG 9 will be open source under MIT license for at least 6 months until PrimeNG 10 is released. Here is a timeline to visualize the LTS support.

If you are not planning to migrate to Angular 9 and PrimeNG 9 yet, we strongly suggest LTS versions to receive weekly performance, security and quality enhancements as PrimeNG 7.x and 8.x are in active development.


We plan to make LTS releases for 7.x and 8.x almost every week, this week’s versions bring various quality improvements.


PrimeNG-LTS is available at npm, if you have an existing application run the following command to download it to your project. If you require a specific version,
refer to the versions list for the version compatible with your project.


In order to use an LTS release, primeng import path must reference the primeng-lts package in tsconfig.json.

In addition, primeng.min.css needs to be loaded from the primeng-lts package.

Always bet on Prime!

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